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HomeBusinessLawyer Ohenewaa Seeks Support To Print Crime And Domestic Violence Flyers, Books

Lawyer Ohenewaa Seeks Support To Print Crime And Domestic Violence Flyers, Books


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A Human Rights Lawyer, an Author and a Feminist Activist, Lawyer Mary Ohenewaa Afful is seeking support from Government, Politicians, Religious Bodies, Corporate Organizations, Donor Agencies, International Organizations, and the People of Ghana. to print and distribute at least 10 million copies of Crime Flyers and 1 million copies of Abuse Book.
The items would be given free of charge to Children in the country for education
about the high rate of domestic abuse in marriages and/or Intimate partner violence, the high rate of defilement cases or incidences i.e. sexual intercourse with children below 16 years and other domestic and sexual violence cases in both children and adults leading up to severe legal and psychological consequences.

In most cases, death, permanent injury or disability, insanity and many other health related problems and mental health issues become the end result.
Lawyer Ohenewaa Advocacy has over the years operated as a non-profit advocacy platform in the media and in many field works, to help and speak for victims of abuse and on issues on human rights violations which has progressed its course in the fight against all forms of abuse and related issues.
“I need support from Government, Politicians, Religious Bodies, Corporate Organizations, Donor Agencies, International Organizations, and the People of Ghana.
I have said many times that it is not enough to even arrest and prosecute offenders and make them suffer the penal consequences. My problem is the victim of abuse. What happens to them and the damage caused to their person and the violation of their personal boundaries. How do they handle their health and perhaps the psychological implications? How do they handle their pain and anger hereinafter referred to as Psycho Traumatology? How do they handle their Post Traumatic Experiences (PTSD)? Are victims of abuse able to stop the cycle of abuse/ violence? Are they aware of any coping mechanisms and other psychological helps such as psychotherapies?”.
Lawyer Ohenewaa Afful made this appeal at a press conference to outdoor two additional Preventive Crime Educational Materials to cater for other categories not listed in their earlier Preventive Crime Programmes including, flyers that contains some specific Criminal Offences bothers on Domestic and Sexual Violence/ Abuse and their Maximum Jail Terms.
The other material outdoor have to do with the Abuse Book for Children titled “SAY NO” to Child Abuse, A Safe Book for Children from age 4 to 9 years.
She encouraged all children in Ghana to use the abuse book to know and identify abuse and report same to their care givers be it their Teachers, Guardians or Parents. “This abuse book will help reduce domestic and sexual violence cases among children.
There is also high rate of defilement cases and questions Why we sit unconcerned for our little children to be defiled daily?”.
Domestic violence or abuse Lawyer Mary Ohenewaa Afful indicated, is an Epidemic that has currently engulfed the Nation but said she is optimistic that the various educational materials that have been carefully prepared as part of the Preventive Crime Advocacy, would help solve the National crisis.

“By distributing these Preventive Crime Flyers, it will be easier to prevent future offenders from committing various acts of criminalities by knowing the penal consequences which will in a way deter them from committing these of fences”.
The Educational materials she averred, would take care of School children from Upper Primary to SHS, the Market Men and Women, Trotro and Taxi Drivers, Head Potters or any other group that were not earlier captured. “We want everyone to PREVENT abuse/violence or crime. We also want everyone to report all cases of abuse/ violence to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and that is the Ghana Police Service as mandated by the Laws of Ghana”.
She further stated, “I, Lawyer Mary Ohenewaa Afful is fighting a cause. I am not fighting any human being and my Preventive Crime Advocacy has got nothing to do with the Politics of this country. The ages between 19 and 26 are the fastest growing ages committing various offences and getting locked up in prisons. How long can we watch our youth rot in jail and waste their lives? How do we build a strong nation without our future generation who are more likely to be our future leaders?”.
According to Lawyer Ohenewaa, it would be easier for government or any politician running the affairs of the country or ruling the people and who is concerned about the welfare of its people and the high rate of domestic abuse, to support her to help fix the ‘EPIDEMIC’ before it gets out of hand and becomes a ‘PANDEMIC’.

“Ohenewaa Advocacy is willing and ready to meet with anybody who wants to help us to achieve this goal of Preventing Crime BECAUSE IN ALL CASES OF ABUSE, THE DAMAGE IS Permanent”.
On July 7, 2023, Lawyer Aful out-doored a PREVENTIVE CRIME TRAINING MANUAL for Teachers, Pastors, Tertiary Institutions etc. She also out-doored a booklet to help adults identify abuse in children and its mandatory reporting guidelines. On November 16, 2022 too, her organization had a free training for Ministers and their Spouses at the Ga Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. Then in January 2024 from the 17th to 25th, she was privileged to attend Teachers Durbar at Ga North Municipal on Sensitization on Abuse/ Crime, the role of Teachers in Society. Ohenewaa Advocacy has done a lot of School Advocacies in the various Educational Districts.

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