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HomeBusinessNDC Women's Wing urges Government to invest in critical infrastructure

NDC Women’s Wing urges Government to invest in critical infrastructure


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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Women’s Wing has called on Government to invest in critical infrastructure: “The power cuts that led to the tragic loss of young lives at St Anne’s Hospital underscore the need for a robust and reliable power supply across all healthcare facilities. Adequate investments must be made to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply, particularly in essential institutions like hospitals and clinics, where the lives of our most vulnerable citizens hang in the balance”.

Below is the full press release:

Addressing the Plight of Vulnerable Children in Ghana


[23rd May, 2023]

As the Women’s Wing of the National Democratic Congress, we are deeply saddened by recent tragic events that have highlighted the precarious situation faced by vulnerable children in our beloved nation. The loss of two precious lives and the critical condition of three infants at St Anne’s Hospital due to power cuts is a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive action to protect our most vulnerable members of society.

Furthermore, it is disheartening to witness the ongoing challenges faced by children who risk their lives daily by crossing treacherous rivers on their way to school. These circumstances reflect the underlying societal issues that continue to plague our nation. We cannot ignore the cries of these innocent souls any longer.

The safety and well-being of our children must be a paramount concern for all of us, irrespective of political affiliation. Therefore, as the Women’s Wing, we implore the government to step up its efforts and take immediate action to address these pressing concerns. It is our collective responsibility to provide a nurturing environment that safeguards the future of our nation.

In light of the recent incidents, we call on the government to:

1. Invest in critical infrastructure: The power cuts that led to the tragic loss of young lives at St Anne’s Hospital underscore the need for a robust and reliable power supply across all healthcare facilities. Adequate investments must be made to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply, particularly in essential institutions like hospitals and clinics, where the lives of our most vulnerable citizens hang in the balance.

2. Strengthen child protection systems: We urge the government to enhance child protection mechanisms to prevent further tragedies. This includes improving safety measures and transportation infrastructure to ensure the safety of our children on their way to school. No child should have to risk their life for an education.

3. Promote awareness and education: In order to address the underlying societal challenges faced by vulnerable children, we must prioritize awareness and education. By promoting understanding and empathy, we can foster a society that values and protects the rights of every child. The government must implement comprehensive programs that educate parents, communities, and schools on child protection and safety measures.

4. Collaborate with stakeholders: The government cannot tackle these challenges alone. We urge them to collaborate with civil society organizations, child-focused agencies, and international partners to develop holistic strategies that provide a safety net for our vulnerable children. By leveraging the expertise and resources of various stakeholders, we can create a robust system of support that leaves no child behind.

We call upon the government to act swiftly and decisively in response to these urgent matters. The time for rhetoric is over; it is now a time for concrete action. Our children deserve nothing less than our full commitment and dedication to securing their future.

Together, let us build a Ghana where every child can grow, thrive, and realize their full potential. Let us unite and protect the most vulnerable among us.

Dr Hanna Louisa Bisiw
National Women’s Organiser
National Democratic Congress

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