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HomeNewsI remain with the NDC-Dr. Kwabena Duffuor

I remain with the NDC-Dr. Kwabena Duffuor


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Below is his full statement:

I have become aware of some concems from the rank and file of the NDC, that { intend to leave the NDC to form another pasty. | wish to state that I have no such intentions and remain commutted to the NDC as I have always been. The NDC ss my bome as 1 1s for us all and [ will always remain loyal to our party. Let us come together towards the cause of victory for our party and progress for our nation. The NDC beiongs to us and we have a charge to kcep its flame burning. So let us get to work.

When I jomed the race for the flagbcarership of the National Democratic Congress, | was motivated by a desire to see our party thrive as the political party of choice for every Ghanasan. Today, that motivation remains unchanged. Like many before me, | understand that the collecuve good of our party overndes our personal goals and desires. The internal contest of ideas we engage in is simply a means to a common end – to build upon the hardwon fegacy we have come to meet. But if there 1s anything more | have gained from this penod, it 1s a deepening of my love for this great party from the stories of people I was pnvileged to mect on the campaign trail. As such, | remain committed towards the cause of the NDC as Thave in times past, for as long as our quest for a better Ghana endures.

As Ghana’s Icading opposition party, the Ghanaian people are looking up to us to deliver the much needed political change this country needs. This would require us to upscale our vigilance and insist that the right democratic processes are followed before and dunng the 2024 elections. It was in the spint of thes that § insisted that we address the challenges that were fraught with our voters register and photo album, which resulted in my withdrawal from the presidential race. If we are to succeed as a party in Teaching our political goals, we cannot afford to compromise on our founding ideals of probity and accountability. Those virtues are the torch which guides our party and gives purpose to all we do. Without them, we will lose our sdentity and our ability to hold others accountable in similar circumstances.

As past of my contnbution to the party’s reorganisation agenda, | launched the Ahotor Project to strengthen our grassroots and ensure they are financially independent and can work effectively ahead of election 2024. f remain commuted to the continuity of this project and look forward to more of such engagements with our party base. The story of the NDC is a story of ordinary people coming together to challenge broken systems of cronyism. tt 1s a story underscored by a movement of Ghanaians, resolute in building a country where they could all belong. These ongins cannot be taken for granted. In a time of widening inequality and economic despair, we must set the pace for collective development. We are who we are because of the strength of our roots and must continue to build the NDC from the ground up. It is the key to our future and the engine of the Ghanaisn Dream.

God bless the NDC and our nation Ghana and make her great and strong.

Signed: Dr. Kwabena Duffuor May 15, 2023



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